Table of Contents

  • 1


    • Welcome to Destreaming 101

    • Course Introduction

    • Contributors

  • 2

    Why We Must Destream the Curriculum

    • Key Terms

    • System Impacts of Streaming

    • Community-Specific Impacts of Streaming

    • Check for Understanding

  • 3

    Culturally Responsive & Relevant Pedagogy (CRRP)

    • Getting Started with CRRP

    • Connecting Mathematics to CRRP

    • Strategy Spotlight: CRRP

    • Check for Understanding

  • 4

    Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

    • Understanding Universal Design for Learning

    • Exploring UDL Further

    • Check for Understanding

  • 5

    Differentiated Instruction (DI)

    • Understanding Differentiated Instruction (DI)

    • Exploring Differentiated Instruction Further

    • Check Your Understanding

  • 6

    Math Anxiety

    • Math Anxiety: How & Why?

    • Strategy Spotlight: Reducing Math Anxiety in the Classroom

    • Check for Understanding

  • 7

    Document Library

    • Overall and Specific Expectations for the Ontario Curriculum: Mathematics, Grade 9 (2021)

    • High-Impact Instructional Practices (2020)

    • Ontario’s Education Equity Action Plan (2017)

    • Learning for All: A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12 (2013)

    • Growing Success (2010)

    • Reporting Student Learning: Guidelines for Effective Teacher-Parent-Student Communication (2010)

    • Suggested Reading

  • 8

    Wrap Up

    • We'd love your feedback