Course curriculum

  • 1


    • My Math Path Overview

    • Getting Started

    • Efficacy and Research

    • Quick Start Placemat

    • Program Overview

  • 2

    Student Book

    • Introduction

    • Usage

    • Lessons

    • End of Chapter Features

  • 3

    Teacher's Resource

    • Introduction

    • Chapter Overview

    • Lesson Structure & Support

    • End of Chapter

  • 4

    Using My Math Path in MyNelson

    • Accessing Your Material

    • Program Overview

    • Ideas for Blended Learning

  • 5

    Strategy Spotlight

    • Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Progression

    • Number Bonds

    • Bar Modelling

    • Formative Assessment

    • Summative Assessment

    • Remediation

    • Differentiation Resources

    • Indigenous Connections

  • 6

    Ontario Math Curriculum (2020)

    • Social-Emotional Learning in My Math Path

    • The Ontario Curriculum 1-8: Mathematics Curriculum Context 2020

    • Curriculum Overview Videos

    • High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics

    • Key Changes - Elementary Math Curriculum

  • 7

    Wrap Up

    • What did you think?